
Website personalization creates a unique visitor experience based on all the user-specific information you’re able to gather. You can be really granular with what rules to personalize from. For example showcasing previously viewed categories on the homepage for returning visitors or personalizing the copy of the headings based on which traffic source the users come from.

What can you personalize?

  • USP lists        
  • Headlines
  • Layout
  • Calls to action
  • Countdowns
  • Functionality
  • Checkout process
  • Copy
  • Design
  • Banners
  • Testimonials
  • And lots more!

Why personalize?

According to  McKinsey & Company , successful personalization builds customer engagement and loyalty. When you make a shopper feel seen and heard, they’re more likely to become a repeat customer. image2.png


We at Symplify generally say:

  • Website visitors expect personalized experiences
  • Visitors are more likely to return to a website that recognizes their needs
  • Personalized content generates more revenue and a higher conversion rate
  • Change your website in ways that are impossible or difficult for your CMS to manage

Remember, if you are unsure of, for example, how to present your personalization - you can always A/B test it to find out. At Symplify Conversion we can help you set it up and guide you in the process.


Strategies & tactics

Reduce friction

  • Adapt the content after customer group
  • Customize categories based on user preferences. For e.g. present categories for females first if a user only has shown interest in said category*
  • Recommend relevant products in checkout*
  • Recommend previously visited Products*

    * This solution requires custom coding



  • Adapt the content after the user's location. For e.g. if you sell clothes, a user from a warmer location might not find winter clothing as relevant as a user from a colder location*
  • Highlight best selling products in a certain area
  • Urgency messages depending on the users location
  • Show product listings relevant to the users location
  • Push campaigns for a specific store or prompt that there is click & collect

*Possible to do at country level, but for region and city, only one call is run per day, which can have a negative effect and the wrong campaign can be displayed. However, this is only a problem if the customer travels during the day.


Social nudging

Nudging is a method used a lot today to influence users' decision making. By nudging with content that is socially popular on desired pages,  users' trust and confidence can significantly increase leading to increased conversions.

  • For e.g. Stockholms best or New York's best
  • Targeted campaigns for different segments


New vs. returning

Users that are either new or returning differ in behaviour. A user that has never visited your site before may be asking questions like - can I trust this site or is this site relevant to me? Meanwhile a returning user has already had these questions answered and is most likely further down in the funnel.

  • Adapt the site after new users and the questions they want answered
  • Personalize content and campaigns after what engages new users the most
  • Remind returning users of where they left off. For e.g. with a popup*
  • Adapt after different stages in the sales funnel by using the audience feature e.g. give a discount code if the user visits the site more than x times.
  • Present relevant products, content, discounts for new and returning users based on traffic source

* This solution requires custom coding



If you have a winning variation from an A/B test that you want to expose to all your visitors you can convert that variation into a personalization. This will copy the project code for that variation and the audience settings for your project and set that for 100% of the visitors. This method can also be used if for e.g. your developing team can’t implement the winning variation right away.


Read how to create a personalization here!


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