If you are loading GA4 through Google Tag Manager (GTM) you need to do a special setup in GTM to receive our Symplify events in GA4. You need to set up a Trigger and a Tag for this to work.
Log in to your GTM account and choose your website and then follow the steps below;
Now click on Triggers and then click on New to create a new Trigger.
Click on Trigger Configuration and then choose trigger type Custom Event
Enter ^Symplify. as Event Name and make sure to check the Use regex matching checkbox.
Then enter a name for your trigger (in the upper left corner) and then click Save.
Then click Tags and then click New to create a new Tag.
Click Tag Configuration and choose GA4 Event
Select your GA4 configuration as Configuration Tag and then click the Event Name button and select Event.
Now click Triggering and choose the Trigger you created earlier.
Enter an Event name for your new Event (in the upper left corner) and then click Save.
Publish these new settings by clicking Submit in the upper right corner and then following the steps for publishing in GTM.
When this is published you should see Symplify events for your active projects after ~24 hours in your GA4 Property.
You should also be able to use GTMs or GAs debug functions to see the Symplify events straight away.