Send project data to an external system

Google Analytics

By default, Symplify automatically sends events to the Google Analytics account implemented on your website. These events contain project and variation information and can be used as segments in GA. This way you can check all your KPIs in GA for a specific project by comparing the project variations. However, we do recommend using the Symplify statistics for evaluation of the project and only use GA for other KPIs than conversion rate and/or project success.

If you do not see these events in GA and are using GA4, you may need to set this up in Google Tag Manager for it to work.

Notice that we only push a tracking event for segmentation and not the data we collect.

Other external systems

If you wish to send the actual project data that Symplify collects and uses to calculate the statistics in a project you can do this by setting up a subscription to our Amazon Simple Notification Service. This way you can receive the project data however you like.

The information that we send is the following;

Type            string
Timestamp       string
Url             string
DeviceTypeId    uint32
DeviceType      string
BrowserName     string
BrowserVersion  string
OperatingSystem string
Country         string
ScreenWidth     uint32
Revenue         RevenueData (object)
VariationId     uint64
VariationName   string
GoalId          uint64
GoalName        string

Example interaction - Page view;

  "type": "page-view",
  "timestamp": "2023-05-31T11:48:41Z",
  "url": "",
  "deviceTypeId" : 1,
  "deviceType": "desktop",
  "browserName": "chrome",
  "browserVersion": "107.0.0",
  "operatingSystem": "Mac OS",
  "country": "Sweden",
  "screenWidth": 2056,
  "revenue" : null,
  "variationId": 11310833,
  "variationName": "Variation 1"

Example interaction - Goal;

  "type": "goal",
  "timestamp": "2023-05-31T11:48:41Z",
  "url": "",
  "deviceTypeId" : 1,
  "deviceType": "desktop",
  "browserName": "chrome",
  "browserVersion": "107.0.0",
  "operatingSystem": "Mac OS",
  "country": "Sweden",
  "screenWidth": 2056,
  "revenue" : null,
  "variationId": 11310833,
  "variationName": "Variation 1",
  "goalId" : 33231,
  "goalName" : "checkout"


General configurations

To receive messages from AWS SNS, Symplify will configure a subscription for the customer together with a preferred endpoint chosen by the customer.
AWS SNS supports various types of endpoints, such as HTTP(S) endpoints, email addresses, SMS numbers, AWS Lambda functions, mobile push notifications, and more.

Below are the general steps to receive messages from AWS SNS:

Configured by Symplify:

  • Subscribe to the Topic:
    • Add a customer subscription and an endpoint of choice.
    • Choose the protocol for the endpoint (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, email, SMS, Lambda, etc.).
    • Provide the necessary information based on the chosen endpoint type. For example:
      • For HTTP(S) endpoints: Provide the endpoint URL to which SNS will send HTTP POST requests.
      • For SMS endpoints: Provide an SMS-enabled phone number to receive SMS messages.
      • For Lambda endpoints: Select the Lambda function to be invoked.

Configured by the customer:

  • Confirm Subscription (if required):
    • Depending on the endpoint type, the subscription may need to be confirmed by the customer.
    • For example, for SMS endpoints, AWS SNS usually sends a verification code to the provided phone number that needs to be confirmed.
  • Handle Incoming Messages at the Endpoint:
    • Once the subscription is confirmed, the endpoint should be able to receive incoming messages.
    • Implement the necessary logic at the endpoint to handle the incoming messages appropriately.
    • For example, if using an HTTP(S) endpoint, the web server should handle the incoming HTTP POST requests from SNS.


Please note that the exact steps and options may vary depending on the type of endpoint you choose. For detailed, up-to-date information on how to receive messages from AWS SNS for a specific endpoint type, refer to the AWS SNS documentation or the specific documentation related to the endpoint type used.


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